What are the Terms & Conditions for submitting a solicited innovation?
We have specific Terms & Conditions for submitting a solicited innovations through our submission portal. Click here to read.
What are the Terms & Conditions for submitting an unsolicited innovation?
We have specific Terms & Conditions for submitting an unsolicited innovations through our submission portal. Click here to read.
What is the Church & Dwight Privacy Policy?
The Privacy Policy for submitting innovations through our submission portal, Click here to read.
What happens to my innovation after it is submitted?
First, we review your submission to ensure that it is complete and that it fits within the scope of current business. If it does, it will be forwarded to the appropriate representative for review.
How do I contact you to check on the status of my submission?
We do not provide status updates for submissions during the review process. If any further information is needed, we will contact you.
Why can't you accept confidential information?
To avoid misunderstandings and to follow legal procedures for handling confidential information, we do not accept confidential information during the initial phase of the process. If, after our preliminary review, we are interested in pursuing your innovation further, we may propose a process that will permit us to receive information about your innovation that you regard as confidential.
Should I have my innovation patented before submitting it to you?
If you believe that your innovation may be eligible for patent protection, we recommend that you consult with an attorney or other advisor before submitting it. However, we do not require you to patent your innovation before submitting it.
If you decide not to pursue my innovation, will you tell me why?
We do not provide the reasons for our decisions regarding innovations submitted for review.
Can I submit additional information such as photographs or drawings with my innovation?
The innovation submission process does allow for the upload of documents. Any documents you choose to provide must be non-confidential as stated in the Terms and Conditions. If the reviewers need additional information, you will be contacted.